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FArray1 is a container class that holds, in this case, strings.

Basically you get this assertion when you have a Debug build and you try to access an index outside the bounds of the array. For example, if you have nothing in your Array but you try to access it with fooArray( 1 ), it will throw this assertion because there is nothing at index 1. The FArray, and other Array classes, are emulation classes of Fortran's Arrays. The biggest important fact about this is that Fortran is 1-based indexing versus 0-based indexing for C++ native containers (vector, list, etc).

Regarding a debugger on Linux, I would use GDB if you are familiar with command line debugging. Otherwise, I would suggest using JetBrains CLion IDE, which will help you compile EnergyPlus as well as being able to run an interactive debugger and set breakpoints. I find it very helpful and it works well. You have to pay for the IDE but as a student you can get access to it (and all of JetBrains' other IDEs) for free.

I also notice from your error message it looks like you are using the runenergyplus script. I would suggest to use the command line interface native in EnergyPlus now instead of that script. Just call energyplus -h to see all command line input options. This is the preferred method to start simulations. It will also allow you to more easier test from CLion, if you use it.