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2017-05-08 16:00:35 -0600 | received badge | ● Student (source) |
2017-02-18 10:14:26 -0600 | received badge | ● Supporter (source) |
2017-02-14 08:55:49 -0600 | asked a question | Where does runslab put the outputs from the prompt window? Hi everyone! I'm trying to get Surface temperatures from energyPlus. I'm no good with the prompt window but I have also problems with the IDF creator about slabs (I've also created a question about that.) So after creating my 4 floors building, i've also created a slab, but I can't really find a way to estrapolate the output from the prompt window. I've created my weather file: CABOTO_CLIMA and then reached this point in the prompt window: c:\ EnergyPlusV8-6-0\Preprocess\GrndTempCalc>runslab slabexample CABOTO_CLIMA (then I press Enter and I get) =====runslab (Run Slab Temperature Generation) ====Start==== Running Slab.exe Input File : slabexample.idf Output File: slabexample_slab.gtp labexample_slab.out labexample_slab.ger (if errors) Weather File : ....WeatherDATA\CABOTO_CLIMA.epw No Weather File: ..WeatherDATA\CABOTO_CLIMA.epw =====runslabexample====Complete==== I've also tried to redirect the outputs in another folder but it didn't worked, here it is: c:\ EnergyPlusV8-6-0\Preprocess\GrndTempCalc>runslab slabexample CABOTO_CLIMA > GrndTempCalc I'm pretty sure about the affidability of the Weather file i've created, or at least I hope so. Thanks in advance! |
2017-02-14 08:55:49 -0600 | asked a question | How should I answer the "SLAB BOUNDARY CONDITION MODEL NAME" in the Site:GroundDomain:slab of the IDF editor in EnergyPlus? Hello everyone! I'm trying to get Surface temperatures from energyPlus. I tried to use the IDF file because i'm no good with the prompt window (I'm also creating a question in the forum about that). So after creating my 4 floors building, i've also created a slab, but I can't really find a way to answer the "SLAB BOUNDARY CONDITION MODEL NAME". Is it maybe requesting a Bounday condition previously requested by the program? In the InputOutputReference there are 2 examples with the same Boundary condition, but it doesn't work on my case, therefore I think that it's bonded to something I've inserted before. Thanks in advance! |