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2024-12-19 10:24:35 -0600 received badge  Teacher (source)
2024-12-19 10:11:43 -0600 answered a question Failed to compute arguments for measure

Thanks a mil Denis! It is working now. I didn't check the compatinility matrix earlier and used a measure which is 3.9.0

2024-12-19 10:11:38 -0600 commented question Failed to compute arguments for measure

Thanks a mil Denis! It is working now. I didn't check the compatinility matrix earlier and used a measure which is 3.9.0

2024-12-18 09:49:22 -0600 commented question Failed to compute arguments for measure

Here is the link to the osm file.

2024-12-09 10:03:52 -0600 commented question Failed to compute arguments for measure

I have updated the software. The error still persists with all measures I'm using from BCL. Not sure how to sort this ou

2024-12-06 10:18:27 -0600 commented question Failed to compute arguments for measure

It is the problem with all the meaures I'm using from BCL. I've tried it with the "openstudio results" measure, with "a

2024-12-05 09:59:44 -0600 commented question Failed to compute arguments for measure

I'm using openstudio 3.8.0 and open studio appliation 1.7.0. The measure is from BCL. It is a similar error as you have

2024-12-04 10:43:15 -0600 asked a question Failed to compute arguments for measure

Failed to compute arguments for measure " Failed to compute arguments for measure". I've tried to add new directory to