Hello UMHT community,
Can you help me with these two severe errors and other 66 warnings : Program Version,EnergyPlus, Version 23.2.0-7636e6b3e9, YMD=2024.08.26 23:42, *** Beginning Zone Sizing Calculations * Warning * Weather file location will be used rather than entered (IDF) Location object. * ~~~ * ..Location object=TUNIS * ~~~ * ..Weather File Location=TUNIS - TUN IWEC Data WMO#=607150 * ~~~ * ..due to location differences, Latitude difference=[2.94] degrees, Longitude difference=[29.54] degrees. * ~~~ * ..Time Zone difference=[0.0] hour(s), Elevation difference=[0.00] percent, [0.00] meters. * Warning * ProcessScheduleInput: DecodeHHMMField, Invalid "until" field value is not a multiple of the minutes for each timestep: 06:45 * ~~~ * Other errors may result. Occurred in Day Schedule=CLG HVAC * Warning * ProcessScheduleInput: Schedule:Constant="ALWAYS OFF DISCRETE", Blank Schedule Type Limits Name input -- will not be validated. * Warning * ProcessScheduleInput: Schedule:Constant="ALWAYS ON CONTINUOUS", Blank Schedule Type Limits Name input -- will not be validated. * Warning * GetHTSurfaceData: Surfaces with interface to Ground found but no "Ground Temperatures" were input. * ~~~ * Found first in surface=FACE 76 * ~~~ * Defaults, constant throughout the year of (18.0) will be used. * Warning * GetSurfaceData: There are 14 coincident/collinear vertices; These have been deleted unless the deletion would bring the number of surface sides < 3. * ~~~ * For explicit details on each problem surface, use Output:Diagnostics,DisplayExtraWarnings; * Warning * CheckUsedConstructions: There are 2 nominally unused constructions in input. * ~~~ * For explicit details on each unused construction, use Output:Diagnostics,DisplayExtraWarnings; * Warning * GetInternalHeatGains: People="PEOPLE 4", Activity Level Schedule Name values * ~~~ * fall outside typical range [70,1000] W/person for Thermal Comfort Reporting. * ~~~ * Odd comfort values may result; Schedule="OFFICE ACTIVITY". * ~~~ * Entered min/max range=[60.8,] W/person.132.0 * Warning * GetInternalHeatGains: People="PEOPLE 2", Activity Level Schedule Name values * ~~~ * fall outside typical range [70,1000] W/person for Thermal Comfort Reporting. * ~~~ * Odd comfort values may result; Schedule="OFFICE ACTIVITY". * ~~~ * Entered min/max range=[60.8,] W/person.132.0 * Warning * GetInternalHeatGains: People="PEOPLE 3", Activity Level Schedule Name values * ~~~ * fall outside typical range [70,1000] W/person for Thermal Comfort Reporting. * ~~~ * Odd comfort values may result; Schedule="OFFICE ACTIVITY". * ~~~ * Entered min/max range=[60.8,] W/person.132.0 * Warning * GetInternalHeatGains: People="PEOPLE 1", Activity Level Schedule Name values * ~~~ * fall outside typical range [70,1000] W/person for Thermal Comfort Reporting. * ~~~ * Odd comfort values may result; Schedule="OFFICE ACTIVITY". * ~~~ * Entered min/max range=[60.8,] W/person.132.0 * Warning * GetInternalHeatGains: People="PEOPLE 5", Activity Level Schedule Name values * ~~~ * fall outside typical range [70,1000] W/person for Thermal Comfort Reporting. * ~~~ * Odd comfort values may result; Schedule="OFFICE ACTIVITY". * ~~~ * Entered min/max range=[60.8,] W/person.132.0 * Warning * GetInternalHeatGains: People="PEOPLE 9", Activity Level Schedule Name values * ~~~ * fall outside typical range [70,1000] W/person for Thermal Comfort Reporting. * ~~~ * Odd comfort values may result; Schedule="OFFICE ACTIVITY". * ~~~ * Entered min/max range=[60.8,] W/person.132.0 * Warning * GetInternalHeatGains: People="PEOPLE 6", Activity Level Schedule Name values * ~~~ * fall outside typical range [70,1000] W/person for Thermal Comfort Reporting. * ~~~ * Odd comfort values may result; Schedule="OFFICE ACTIVITY". * ~~~ * Entered min/max range=[60.8,] W/person.132.0 * Warning * GetInternalHeatGains: People="PEOPLE 8", Activity Level Schedule Name values * ~~~ * fall outside typical range [70,1000] W/person for Thermal Comfort Reporting. * ~~~ * Odd comfort values may result; Schedule="OFFICE ACTIVITY". * ~~~ * Entered min/max range=[60.8,] W/person.132.0 * Warning * GetInternalHeatGains: People="PEOPLE 10", Activity Level Schedule Name values * ~~~ * fall outside typical range [70,1000] W/person for Thermal Comfort Reporting. * ~~~ * Odd comfort values may result; Schedule="OFFICE ACTIVITY". * ~~~ * Entered min/max range=[60.8,] W/person.132.0 * Warning * GetDXCoils: Coil:Heating:DX:SingleSpeed="PTHP 1 SPD DX HTG COIL 1" curve values * ~~~ * ... Heating Capacity Function of Temperature Curve Name = OS:CURVE:BIQUADRATIC 11 output is not equal to 1.0 (+ or - 10%) at rated conditions. * ~~~ * ... Curve output at rated conditions = 0.786 * Severe * CheckWarmupConvergence: Loads Initialization, Zone="THERMAL GARAGE" did not converge after 25 warmup days. * ~~~ * Warmup Convergence failing during sizing. * ~~~ * ...Environment(SizingPeriod)="TUNIS ANN CLG .4% CONDNS DP=>MDB" * ~~~ * ..Max Temp Comparison = 3.26E-006 vs Temperature Convergence Tolerance=0.40 - Pass Convergence * ~~~ * ..Min Temp Comparison = 1.25E-006 vs Temperature Convergence Tolerance=0.40 - Pass Convergence * ~~~ * ..Max Heat Load Comparison = 0.1098 vs Loads Convergence Tolerance=4.00E-002 - Fail Convergence * ~~~ * ..Max Cool Load Comparison = 0.0000 vs Loads Convergence Tolerance=4.00E-002 - Pass Convergence * Warning * Calculated design heating load for zone=THERMAL CELIER is zero. * ~~~ * Check Sizing:Zone and ZoneControl:Thermostat inputs. * Severe * UpdateZoneSizing: Cooling supply air temperature (calculated) within 2C of zone temperature * ~~~ * ...check zone thermostat set point and design supply air temperatures * ~~~ * ...zone name = THERMAL CELIER * ~~~ * ...design sensible cooling load = 346387.86 W * ~~~ * ...thermostat set point temp = 12.800 C * ~~~ * ...zone temperature = 14.092 C * ~~~ * ...supply air temperature = 14.000 C * ~~~ * ...temperature difference = -9.21756E-002 C * ~~~ * ...calculated volume flow rate = 1535438.32943 m3/s * ~~~ * ...calculated mass flow rate = 1848265.00926 kg/s * Warning * Calculated design cooling load for zone=THERMAL CHAMBRE 1 is zero. * ~~~ * Check Sizing:Zone and ZoneControl:Thermostat inputs. * Warning * Calculated design cooling load for zone=THERMAL CHAMBRE 2 is zero. * ~~~ * Check Sizing:Zone and ZoneControl:Thermostat inputs. * Warning * Calculated design cooling load for zone=THERMAL CHAMBRE 3 is zero. * ~~~ * Check Sizing:Zone and ZoneControl:Thermostat inputs. * Warning * Calculated design cooling load for zone=THERMAL COULOIR is zero. * ~~~ * Check Sizing:Zone and ZoneControl:Thermostat inputs. * Warning * Calculated design cooling load for zone=THERMAL CUISINE is zero. * ~~~ * Check Sizing:Zone and ZoneControl:Thermostat inputs. * Warning * Calculated design cooling load for zone=THERMAL GARAGE is zero. * ~~~ * Check Sizing:Zone and ZoneControl:Thermostat inputs. * Warning * Calculated design cooling load for zone=THERMAL SDB is zero. * ~~~ * Check Sizing:Zone and ZoneControl:Thermostat inputs. * Warning * Calculated design cooling load for zone=THERMAL WC is zero. * ~~~ * Check Sizing:Zone and ZoneControl:Thermostat inputs. *** Beginning System Sizing Calculations * Warning * Fan:ZoneExhaust="EF-0.3" has fractional values in Schedule=OFFICE WORK OCC. Only 0.0 in the schedule value turns the fan off. * Warning * GetAirPathData: AirLoopHVAC="DOAS" has no Controllers. * Warning * GetAirPathData: AirLoopHVAC="UH-0.1" has no Controllers. *** Beginning Plant Sizing Calculations * Warning * The Standard Ratings is calculated for Coil:Heating:DX:SingleSpeed = PTHP 1 SPD DX HTG COIL 1 but not at the AHRI test condition due to curve out of bound. * ~~~ * Review the Standard Ratings calculations in the Engineering Reference for this coil type. Also, use Output:Diagnostics, DisplayExtraWarnings for further guidance. * Warning * GetOAControllerInputs: Controller:MechanicalVentilation="CONTROLLER MECHANICAL VENTILATION 1" * ~~~ * Cannot locate a matching DesignSpecification:ZoneAirDistribution object for Zone="THERMAL CELIER". * ~~~ * Using default zone air distribution effectiveness of 1.0 for heating and cooling. * Warning * GetOAControllerInputs: Controller:MechanicalVentilation="CONTROLLER MECHANICAL VENTILATION 2" * ~~~ * Cannot locate a matching DesignSpecification:ZoneAirDistribution object for Zone="THERMAL CELIER". * ~~~ * Using default zone air distribution effectiveness of 1.0 for heating and cooling. * Warning * GetOAControllerInputs: Controller:MechanicalVentilation="CONTROLLER MECHANICAL VENTILATION 2" * ~~~ * Cannot locate a matching DesignSpecification:ZoneAirDistribution object for Zone="THERMAL CUISINE". * ~~~ * Using default zone air distribution effectiveness of 1.0 for heating and cooling. * Warning * GetOAControllerInputs: Controller:MechanicalVentilation="CONTROLLER MECHANICAL VENTILATION 2" * ~~~ * Cannot locate a matching DesignSpecification:ZoneAirDistribution object for Zone="THERMAL PIèCE à VIVRE". * ~~~ * Using default zone air distribution effectiveness of 1.0 for heating and cooling. * Warning * SizePlantLoop: Calculated Plant Sizing Design Volume Flow Rate=[0.00] is too small. Set to 0.0 * ~~~ * ..occurs for PlantLoop=PLANT LOOP 1 * Warning * SizePump: Calculated Pump Nominal Volume Flow Rate=[0.00] is too small. Set to 0.0 * ~~~ * ..occurs for Pump=CONST SPD PUMP * Warning * Check input. Pump nominal power or motor efficiency is set to 0, for pump=CONST SPD PUMP * Warning * Check input. Pump nominal flow rate is set or calculated = 0, for pump=CONST SPD PUMP * Warning * Output:Meter: invalid Key Name="DISTRICTHEATING:FACILITY" - not found. * Warning * Output:Meter:MeterFileOnly requested for "Electricity:Facility" (TimeStep), already on "Output:Meter". Will report to both eplusout.eso and eplusout.mtr *** Testing Individual Branch Integrity *** All Branches passed integrity testing *** Testing Individual Supply Air Path Integrity *** All Supply Air Paths passed integrity testing *** Testing Individual Return Air Path Integrity *** All Return Air Paths passed integrity testing *** No node connection errors were found. *** Beginning Simulation * Warning * Processing Monthly Tabular Reports: Variable names not valid for this simulation * ~~~ * ...use Output:Diagnostics,DisplayExtraWarnings; to show more details on individual variables. * Warning * In zone THERMAL CELIER there is unbalanced air flow. Load due to induced outdoor air is neglected. * ~~~ * Environment=TUNIS ANN CLG .4% CONDNS DB=>MWB, at Simulation time=08/21 06:00 - 06:04 * ~~~ * Flows [m3/s]: Inlets: 1.600198 Unbalanced exhausts: 240.000000 Returns: 0.000000 * ~~~ * Infiltration: 0.166664 Zone Ventilation: 0.000000 Mixing (incoming): 0.000000 * ~~~ * Imbalance (excess outflow): 238.233138 Total system OA flow (for all airloops serving this zone): 18.649964 * ~~~ * This error will only be reported once per zone. * Warning * The resource referenced by LifeCycleCost:UsePriceEscalation= "U.S. AVG COMMERCIAL-ELECTRICITY" has no energy cost. * ~~~ * ... It is likely that the wrong resource is used. The resource should match the meter used in Utility:Tariff. * Warning * The resource referenced by LifeCycleCost:UsePriceEscalation= "U.S. AVG COMMERCIAL-DISTILLATE OIL" has no energy cost. * ~~~ * ... It is likely that the wrong resource is used. The resource should match the meter used in Utility:Tariff. * Warning * The resource referenced by LifeCycleCost:UsePriceEscalation= "U.S. AVG COMMERCIAL-RESIDUAL OIL" has no energy cost. * ~~~ * ... It is likely that the wrong resource is used. The resource should match the meter used in Utility:Tariff. * Warning * The resource referenced by LifeCycleCost:UsePriceEscalation= "U.S. AVG COMMERCIAL-NATURAL GAS" has no energy cost. * ~~~ * ... It is likely that the wrong resource is used. The resource should match the meter used in Utility:Tariff. * Warning * The resource referenced by LifeCycleCost:UsePriceEscalation= "U.S. AVG COMMERCIAL-COAL" has no energy cost. * ~~~ * ... It is likely that the wrong resource is used. The resource should match the meter used in Utility:Tariff. *** Simulation Error Summary *** * Warning * The following schedule names are "Unused Schedules". These schedules are in the idf * ~~~ * file but are never obtained by the simulation and therefore are NOT used. *** Schedule:Year or Schedule:Compact or Schedule:File or Schedule:Constant=WATERUSE LATENT FRACTION SCHEDULE 5P *** Schedule:Year or Schedule:Compact or Schedule:File or Schedule:Constant=WATERUSE SCHEDULE 120F *** Schedule:Year or Schedule:Compact or Schedule:File or Schedule:Constant=WATERUSE SENSIBLE FRACTION SCHEDULE 20P *** Schedule:Year or Schedule:Compact or Schedule:File or Schedule:Constant=ALWAYS OFF DISCRETE HVAC_LIBRARY *** Schedule:Year or Schedule:Compact or Schedule:File or Schedule:Constant=ALWAYS ON DISCRETE 1 *** Schedule:Year or Schedule:Compact or Schedule:File or Schedule:Constant=WATER TEMPERATURE *** Schedule:Year or Schedule:Compact or Schedule:File or Schedule:Constant=ALWAYS OFF DISCRETE *** Schedule:Year or Schedule:Compact or Schedule:File or Schedule:Constant=ALWAYS ON CONTINUOUS * Warning * The following week schedule names are "Unused Schedules". These schedules are in the idf * ~~~ * file but are never obtained by the simulation and therefore are NOT used. *** Schedule:Week:Daily or Schedule:Week:Compact=WATERUSE LATENT FRACTION SCHEDULE 5P WEEK RULE - JAN1-DEC31 *** Schedule:Week:Daily or Schedule:Week:Compact=WATERUSE SCHEDULE 120F WEEK RULE - JAN1-DEC31 *** Schedule:Week:Daily or Schedule:Week:Compact=WATERUSE SENSIBLE FRACTION SCHEDULE 20P WEEK RULE - JAN1-DEC31 *** Schedule:Week:Daily or Schedule:Week:Compact=ALWAYS OFF DISCRETE HVAC_LIBRARY_wk_ *** Schedule:Week:Daily or Schedule:Week:Compact=ALWAYS ON DISCRETE 1_wk_ *** Schedule:Week:Daily or Schedule:Week:Compact=WATER TEMPERATURE_wk_ *** Schedule:Week:Daily or Schedule:Week:Compact=ALWAYS OFF DISCRETE_wk_ *** Schedule:Week:Daily or Schedule:Week:Compact=ALWAYS ON CONTINUOUS_wk_ * Warning * The following day schedule names are "Unused Schedules". These schedules are in the idf * ~~~ * file but are never obtained by the simulation and therefore are NOT used. *** Schedule:Day:Hourly or Schedule:Day:Interval or Schedule:Day:List=DECK TEMPERATURE SUMMER DESIGN DAY 2 *** Schedule:Day:Hourly or Schedule:Day:Interval or Schedule:Day:List=DECK TEMPERATURE SUMMER DESIGN DAY 1 *** Schedule:Day:Hourly or Schedule:Day:Interval or Schedule:Day:List=OFFICE ACTIVITY SUMMER DESIGN DAY 1 *** Schedule:Day:Hourly or Schedule:Day:Interval or Schedule:Day:List=WATERUSE LATENT FRACTION SCHEDULE 5P DAY *** Schedule:Day:Hourly or Schedule:Day:Interval or Schedule:Day:List=WATERUSE SCHEDULE 120F DAY *** Schedule:Day:Hourly or Schedule:Day:Interval or Schedule:Day:List=WATERUSE SENSIBLE FRACTION SCHEDULE 20P DAY *** Schedule:Day:Hourly or Schedule:Day:Interval or Schedule:Day:List=ALWAYS OFF DISCRETE HVAC_LIBRARY_dy_ *** Schedule:Day:Hourly or Schedule:Day:Interval or Schedule:Day:List=ALWAYS ON DISCRETE 1_dy_ *** Schedule:Day:Hourly or Schedule:Day:Interval or Schedule:Day:List=WATER TEMPERATURE_dy_ *** Schedule:Day:Hourly or Schedule:Day:Interval or Schedule:Day:List=ALWAYS OFF DISCRETE_dy_ *** Schedule:Day:Hourly or Schedule:Day:Interval or Schedule:Day:List=ALWAYS ON CONTINUOUS_dy_
*** ===== Recurring Surface Error Summary ===== *** The following surface error messages occurred.
*** Base Surface does not surround subsurface errors occurring... *** Check that the GlobalGeometryRules object is expressing the proper starting corner and direction [CounterClockwise/Clockwise]
* Warning * Base surface does not surround subsurface (CHKSBS), Overlap Status=No-Overlap * ~~~ * The base surround errors occurred 1 times. * ~~~ * Surface "FACE 18" misses SubSurface "FACE 20" * Warning * Base surface does not surround subsurface (CHKSBS), Overlap Status=No-Overlap * ~~~ * The base surround errors occurred 1 times. * ~~~ * Surface "FACE 73" misses SubSurface "FACE 74" * Warning * Base surface does not surround subsurface (CHKSBS), Overlap Status=No-Overlap * ~~~ * The base surround errors occurred 1 times. * ~~~ * Surface "FACE 61" misses SubSurface "FACE 62"
* ~~~ * The base surround errors occurred 3 times (total).
*** ===== Final Error Summary ===== *** The following error categories occurred. Consider correcting or noting. *** Loads Initialization did not Converge *** ..1) very high thermal mass such as very thick concrete (solution: increase max number of warmup *** .. days in the BUILDING object); *** ..2) moderate mass and inadequate space conditioning such that the building keeps getting warmer *** .. and warmer on successive days (solution: add HVAC, check building thermal properties, *** .. check if infiltration is included, make sure HVAC properly controlled); *** ..3) a soil layer modeled below the concrete slab - (solution remove this layer and read about *** .. ground temperatures in the Auxiliary Programs document). *** ..4) unreasonable (too small) limits in the BUILDING object for temperature (.4 default) or *** .. loads tolerances (.04 default) *** Nominally Unused Constructions *** ..The nominally unused constructions warning is provided to alert you to potential conditions that can cause *** ..extra time during simulation. Each construction is calculated by the algorithm indicated in the HeatBalanceAlgorithm *** ..object. You may remove the constructions indicated (when you use the DisplayExtraWarnings option).
*** EnergyPlus Warmup Error Summary. During Warmup: 0 Warning; 0 Severe Errors. *** EnergyPlus Sizing Error Summary. During Sizing: 28 Warning; 2 Severe Errors. *** EnergyPlus Completed Successfully-- 66 Warning; 2 Severe Errors; Elapsed Time=00hr 03min 39.44sec
Best regards,