Hello, I am conducting a simulation for a building that has a water-cooled chiller air conditioning system with a central chilled water plant, and heating by electric resistance. The system has one VAV per floor. When I finish the simulation, the following error appears for all of my VAV systems. I would like to understand why this error is being generated and what I need to review in the simulation. I am using EnergyPlus version 24.1.0.
* Severe * FindRootSimpleController: Controller error for controller = "2 PAV COOLING COIL CONTROLLER" * ~~~ * Environment=RUN PERIOD 1, at Simulation time=04/20 06:02 - 06:03 * ~~~ * Controller function is inconsistent with user specified controller action = Reverse action * ~~~ * Actuator will be set to maximum action * ~~~ * Controller control type=Temperature * ~~~ * Controller temperature setpoint = 17.65 [C] * ~~~ * Controller sensed temperature = 19.46 [C] * ~~~ * Controller actuator mass flow rate set to 12.43 [kg/s] * ~~~ * Controller actuator temperature = 19.46 [C] * ~~~ * The entering chilled water temperature (controller actuator temperature) should be below the setpoint temperature.