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Issue while executing DOE-2 in Command line!

I am trying to execute DOE-2 in command line based on different weather files. Means, simulate every combination of BIN and INP files located in the same directory in quick order, and will retain/name the associated SIM with unique naming for clarity.

So far, I have created folder in root directory, set up doe22 having .BAT file and all files like- BDLLIB.DAT, bdldft.dat, DOEBDL.EXE, DOESIM.EXE , HDRFIL.BIN and TDVCTZ.BIN. The version of doe22 is EXE48z. In C folder i have doe22 folder and projectDirectory have - and testing files folder(inp and bin files)

C:\ │ └───doe22\ │ DOE22.BAT │ EXE48r.EXE (or the appropriate DOE2 executable) │ └───weather\ │ (weather files will be copied here during execution) │ └───YourProjectDirectory\ │ (your provided script) │ └───testing files\ │ input1.inp │ input2.inp │ ... │ weather1.bin │ weather2.bin │ ...

The issue that currently I am facing is- there is no STDFIL.TMP file.

Issue while executing DOE-2 in Command line!

I am trying to execute DOE-2 in command line based on different weather files. Means, simulate every combination of BIN and INP files located in the same directory in quick order, and will retain/name the associated SIM with unique naming for clarity.

So far, I have created folder in root directory, set up doe22 having .BAT .BAT file and all files like- BDLLIB.DAT, bdldft.dat, DOEBDL.EXE, DOESIM.EXE , HDRFIL.BIN and TDVCTZ.BIN. The version of doe22 is EXE48z. In C folder i have doe22 folder and projectDirectory have - and testing files folder(inp and bin files)

    │   DOE22.BAT
    │   EXE48r.EXE (or the appropriate DOE2 executable)
        │   (weather files will be copied here during execution)
    │  (your provided script)
    └───testing files\
        │   input1.inp
        │   input2.inp
        │   ...
        │   weather1.bin
        │   weather2.bin
        │   ...


The issue that currently I am facing is- there is no STDFIL.TMP STDFIL.TMP file.