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Set pump schedule in EnergyPlus

I would like to set the CHW pump schedule to match the operation schedule of the chillers. As each of the three chillers has its own schedule. I have successfully set the schedules for two pumps, and they both start and stop according to the months I specified. However, there is one pump that does not follow my set schedule, no matter what I try.

Here are the schedule of the pump that doesn't follow my set:

SKM CHW Pump Schedule 800RT,  !- Name
Fraction,                !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 5/31,           !- Field 1
For: AllDays,            !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,            !- Field 3
0,                       !- Field 4
Through: 10/31,          !- Field 5
For: AllDays,            !- Field 6
Until: 8:00,             !- Field 7
0,                       !- Field 8
Until: 22:30,            !- Field 9
1.0,                     !- Field 10
Until: 24:00,            !- Field 11
0,                       !- Field 12
Through: 12/31,          !- Field 13
For: AllDays,            !- Field 14
Until: 24:00,            !- Field 15
0;                       !- Field 16

I have configured this schedule in the 'pump flow rate schedule', just as I did for the other pumps. I have also attempted to use the Energy Management System, with the detailed code as follows:

SKM CHW Pump Schedule 800RT,  !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Index Key Name
schedule value;          !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Name

PumpControl,             !- Name
CHW LOOP SUPPLY PUMP,    !- Actuated Component Unique Name
Plant Component Pump:ConstantSpeed,  !- Actuated Component Type
On/Off Supervisory;      !- Actuated Component Control Type

Pump EMS PCM,            !- Name
BeginTimestepBeforePredictor,  !- EnergyPlus Model Calling Point
PumpEMSProgram;          !- Program Name 1

PumpEMSProgram,          !- Name
IF (EMSSensorCHWLOOPSUPPLYPUMP> 0),  !- Program Line 1
SET PumpControl = 1,     !- Program Line 2
ELSE,                    !- A4
SET PumpControl = 0,     !- A5
ENDIF;                   !- A6

Despite these settings, the pump still does not follow the schedule to operate. Could anybody please tell me if I am missing any important settings or what might be going wrong?

Set pump schedule in EnergyPlus

I would like to set the CHW pump schedule to match the operation schedule of the chillers. As each of the three chillers has its own schedule. I have successfully set the schedules for two pumps, and they both start and stop according to the months I specified. However, there is one pump that does not follow my set schedule, no matter what I try.

Here are the schedule of the pump that doesn't follow my set:

SKM CHW Pump Schedule 800RT,  !- Name
Fraction,                !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 5/31,           !- Field 1
For: AllDays,            !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,            !- Field 3
0,                       !- Field 4
Through: 10/31,          !- Field 5
For: AllDays,            !- Field 6
Until: 8:00,             !- Field 7
0,                       !- Field 8
Until: 22:30,            !- Field 9
1.0,                     !- Field 10
Until: 24:00,            !- Field 11
0,                       !- Field 12
Through: 12/31,          !- Field 13
For: AllDays,            !- Field 14
Until: 24:00,            !- Field 15
0;                       !- Field 16

I have configured this schedule in the 'pump flow rate schedule', just as I did for the other pumps. I have also attempted to use the Energy Management System, with the detailed code as follows:

SKM CHW Pump Schedule 800RT,  !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Index Key Name
schedule value;          !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Name

PumpControl,             !- Name
CHW LOOP SUPPLY PUMP,    !- Actuated Component Unique Name
Plant Component Pump:ConstantSpeed,  !- Actuated Component Type
On/Off Supervisory;      !- Actuated Component Control Type

Pump EMS PCM,            !- Name
BeginTimestepBeforePredictor,  !- EnergyPlus Model Calling Point
PumpEMSProgram;          !- Program Name 1

PumpEMSProgram,          !- Name
IF (EMSSensorCHWLOOPSUPPLYPUMP> 0),  !- Program Line 1
SET PumpControl = 1,     !- Program Line 2
ELSE,                    !- A4
SET PumpControl = 0,     !- A5
ENDIF;                   !- A6

Despite these settings, the pump still does not follow the schedule to operate. Could anybody please tell me if I am missing any important settings or what might be going wrong?