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energy management system

I am modeling a residence in BEOpt 3.0.1 and using CFIS - Central Integrated Fan System for my fresh air supply. Most homes in my state have a direct intake from the outdoors ducted into the central furnace/AC system without any fan (it just pulls fresh air in whenever the central fan runs).

My question is how do I simulate this in BEOpt? The CFIS seems to run on its own schedule (just input hours per day that it's running in the option manager). But, I only want it to operate when the furnace/AC is on.

I'm trying to understand the Energy Management System Program that runs in the .idf that's generated, but it's a bit over my head. I'm trying to track the outdoor air node, but when I run the in.idf file that BEOpt generates in EPLaunch and add output:variables for the outdoor air node to track its behaviour, the output files seem much more limited than a normal EnergyPlus file and I can't locate any csv's that would normally be generated.

Any advice would be appreciated to resolve this mystery and to schedule the outdoor air to only be pulled in when the central fan is running for the furnace or AC.

energy management system

I am modeling a residence in BEOpt 3.0.1 and using CFIS - Central Integrated Fan System for my fresh air supply. Most homes in my state have a direct intake from the outdoors ducted into the central furnace/AC system without any fan (it just pulls fresh air in whenever the central fan runs).

My question is how do I simulate this in BEOpt? The CFIS seems to run on its own schedule (just input hours per day that it's running in the option manager). But, I only want it to operate when the furnace/AC is on.

I'm trying to understand the Energy Management System Program that runs in the .idf that's generated, but it's a bit over my head. I'm trying to track the outdoor air node, but when I run the in.idf file that BEOpt generates in EPLaunch and add output:variables for the outdoor air node to track its behaviour, the output files seem much more limited than a normal EnergyPlus file and I can't locate any csv's that would normally be generated.

Any advice would be appreciated to resolve this mystery and to schedule the outdoor air to only be pulled in when the central fan is running for the furnace or AC.