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Issues with jEPlus Simulation: outputs not calculating

Hello everyone, I'm having trouble with my jEPlus simulation. Despite entering the desired outputs in the RVI file, I'm not getting any results. Here are the details of my setup:

HVAC System: PTAC DX Cooling and Electric Heating Building Size: 44m²

Heating capacity @@hcap@@ : Interval between 2000W and 4000W with a step of 500W Cooling Capacity @@ccap@@: Interval between 2000W and 4000W with a step of 500W

Coil:Heating:DX:SingleSpeed, PTHP 1 Spd DX Htg Coil, !- Name Always On Discrete hvac_library, !- Availability Schedule Name @@hcap@@ , !- Gross Rated Heating Capacity {W}

My rvi file : eplusout.eso eplusout.csv Zone Air Temperature Site Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature 0

Despite setting up everything correctly, the outputs specified in the RVI file (eplusout.csv and eplusout.eso) are not present in the AllCombinedResults Excel file. The simulation log indicates that EnergyPlus completed successfully, but the output file does not contain the expected calculated outputs, only the time in seconds.

Why are the specified outputs not appearing in the AllCombinedResults Excel file despite the simulation completing successfully? Are there any specific settings or configurations that I might be missing in my IDF or RVI files to ensure the outputs are correctly generated?

Any guidance or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your assistance!

Issues with jEPlus Simulation: outputs not calculating

Hello everyone, I'm having trouble with my jEPlus simulation. Despite entering the desired outputs in the RVI file, I'm not getting any results. Here are the details of my setup:

HVAC System: PTAC DX Cooling and Electric Heating Building Size: 44m²

Heating capacity @@hcap@@ : Interval between 2000W and 4000W with a step of 500W Cooling Capacity @@ccap@@: Interval between 2000W and 4000W with a step of 500W

  PTHP 1 Spd DX Htg Coil,                 !- Name
  Always On Discrete hvac_library,        !- Availability Schedule Name
  @@hcap@@ ,                                   !- Gross Rated Heating Capacity {W}


My rvi file :

Zone Air Temperature
Site Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature


Despite setting up everything correctly, the outputs specified in the RVI file (eplusout.csv and eplusout.eso) are not present in the AllCombinedResults Excel file. The simulation log indicates that EnergyPlus completed successfully, but the output file does not contain the expected calculated outputs, only the time in seconds.

Why are the specified outputs not appearing in the AllCombinedResults Excel file despite the simulation completing successfully? Are there any specific settings or configurations that I might be missing in my IDF or RVI files to ensure the outputs are correctly generated?

Any guidance or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your assistance!

Issues with jEPlus Simulation: outputs not calculating

Hello everyone, I'm having trouble with my jEPlus simulation. Despite entering the desired outputs in the RVI file, I'm not getting any results. Here are the details of my setup:

HVAC System: PTAC DX Cooling and Electric Heating Building Size: 44m²

Heating capacity @@hcap@@ : Interval between 2000W and 4000W with a step of 500W Cooling Capacity @@ccap@@: Interval between 2000W and 4000W with a step of 500W

 PTHP 1 Spd DX Htg Coil,                 !- Name
 Always On Discrete hvac_library,        !- Availability Schedule Name
 @@hcap@@ ,                                   !- Gross Rated Heating Capacity {W}

My rvi file :

Zone Air Temperature
Site Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature

Despite setting up everything correctly, the outputs specified in the RVI file (eplusout.csv and eplusout.eso) are not present in the AllCombinedResults Excel file. The simulation log indicates that EnergyPlus completed successfully, but the output file does not contain the expected calculated outputs, only the time in seconds.

Why are the specified outputs not appearing in the AllCombinedResults Excel file despite the simulation completing successfully? Are there any specific settings or configurations that I might be missing in my IDF or RVI files to ensure the outputs are correctly generated?

Any guidance or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your assistance!