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completed data point failure parametricanalysis tool

Dear all, Kindly i am facing challenges with my model using parametric analysis tool with openstudio. While trying design alternatives using parametric analysis tool , I get an error "completed data point failure". Please anyone solved this problem before your help will be greatly appreciated. I tried my best but no ideas.

completed data point failure parametricanalysis tool

Dear all, Kindly i am facing challenges with my model using parametric analysis tool with openstudio. While trying design alternatives using parametric analysis tool , I get an error "completed data point failure". Please anyone solved this problem before your help will be greatly appreciated. I tried my best but no ideas.

completed data point failure parametricanalysis tool

Dear all, Kindly i am facing challenges with my model using parametric analysis tool with openstudio. While trying design alternatives using parametric analysis tool , I get an error "completed data point failure". Please anyone solved this problem before your help will be greatly appreciated. I tried my best but no ideas.image description(/upfiles/1720794948584708.png)image description(/upfiles/1720795018336322.png)