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OpenStudio Simulation errors


I am a novice student to OpenStudio user and this is my first project. I am currently working on an OpenStudio model and used OpenStudio SketchUp plugin (Version 1.7.0) to create the geometry. After finishing the model I saved it as .osm file and assigned all constructions, schedules and thermal zones. I made all of them by myself because this is a residential project and I could not find any presets. So, my problem is whenever I ran the simulation it always aborts and leaves these errors.

[Error 1]

Initializing workflow. Loading OSM model Successive data points (2015-Jan-31 to 2007-Feb-01, ending on line 753) are greater than 1 day apart in EPW file 'C:/Users/yesha/AppData/Local/Temp/osmodel-dbf8-6e8f-3cb7-2c1d-1718206876-0/resources/files/LKA_WP_Colombo-Bandaranaike.Intl.AP.434500_TMYx.2007-2021.epw'. Data will be treated as typical (TMY)

[Error 2]

Translating the OpenStudio Model to EnergyPlus. Beginning the translation to IDF OS_ProgramControl is not currently translated Object of type 'Schedule:Constant' and named 'Always Off Discrete', points to an object named OnOff 1 from field 1, but that object cannot be located. Object of type 'Schedule:Constant' and named 'Always On Continuous', points to an object named Fractional 1 from field 1, but that object cannot be located. Successfully translated to IDF

I tried creating the model from scratch a couple of times and checked over and over again to find any flaws and did not find any. Can someone please help me with this.

Thank you

OpenStudio Simulation errors


I am a novice student to OpenStudio user and this is my first project. I am currently working on an OpenStudio model and used OpenStudio SketchUp plugin (Version 1.7.0) to create the geometry. After finishing the model I saved it as .osm file and assigned all constructions, schedules and thermal zones. I made all of them by myself because this is a residential project and I could not find any presets. So, my problem is whenever I ran the simulation it always aborts and leaves these errors.

[Error 1]

Initializing workflow. Loading OSM model Successive data points (2015-Jan-31 to 2007-Feb-01, ending on line 753) are greater than 1 day apart in EPW file 'C:/Users/yesha/AppData/Local/Temp/osmodel-dbf8-6e8f-3cb7-2c1d-1718206876-0/resources/files/LKA_WP_Colombo-Bandaranaike.Intl.AP.434500_TMYx.2007-2021.epw'. Data will be treated as typical (TMY)

[Error 2]

Translating the OpenStudio Model to EnergyPlus. Beginning the translation to IDF OS_ProgramControl is not currently translated Object of type 'Schedule:Constant' and named 'Always Off Discrete', points to an object named OnOff 1 from field 1, but that object cannot be located. Object of type 'Schedule:Constant' and named 'Always On Continuous', points to an object named Fractional 1 from field 1, but that object cannot be located. Successfully translated to IDF

I tried creating the model from scratch a couple of times and checked over and over again to find any flaws and did not find any. Can someone please help me with this.

Thank you