A question about how to interpret ASHRAE 90.1-2016 Appendix G.
According to Table G3.1, lighting shcedules in employee lunch and break rooms, conference/meeting rooms and classrooms in the Baseline case shall be reduced to reflect occupancy sensors.
(In the first place, I don't understand why the Table doesn't use exaxtly the same wordings as Space Types in Table G3.7.)
I tried to find the closest Space Types in Table G3.7 to employee lunch and break rooms, conference/meeting rooms and classrooms, but none of them has Occupancy Sensor Reduction. How should I interpret this? No errata on this requirement has been issued.
The Baseline case shall have occupancy sensors in breakrooms, conference rooms and classrooms, but the occupancy sensor reduction is 0%. So, there is no need to reduce the lighting schedules in the Baseline case due to occupancy sensors. Am I correct?