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DesignBuilder IDF Import problems

Good morning,

I'd like to import a .idf file that is in Relative Coordinates into DesignBuilder.

I'm conscious that DB doesn't yet support Relative Coordinates so I was wondering how to change them into World Coordinates. I've seen another post ( but I haven't been able to fully understand. I change the coordinates to World but when it comes to Zones, i'm not sure.

The import preview looks quite good ( even though there's some rectangles all over, but when I actually import it, it loses information.

Things to consider:

  • I've explored with diferent modeling conventions in the program that I use called IFC Builder. I'm taking about interior or exterior measurements, it doesn't seem to have any effect
  • I've tried different EnergyPlus versions, 9.1, 9.4 (Trying to match DB) and 23.1 and they all are the same.
  • I've tried to go through OpenStudio SketchUp Plugin and there it says some stuff have been fixed but then the same happens in DB.

Anybody has any idea?

Thank you very much!

DesignBuilder IDF Import problems

Good morning,

I'd like to import a .idf file that is in Relative Coordinates into DesignBuilder.

I'm conscious that DB doesn't yet support Relative Coordinates so I was wondering how to change them into World Coordinates. I've seen another post ( but I haven't been able to fully understand. I change the coordinates to World but when it comes to Zones, i'm not sure.

The import preview looks quite good ( even though there's some rectangles all over, but when I actually import it, it loses information.

Things to consider:

  • I've explored with diferent modeling conventions in the program that I use called IFC Builder. I'm taking about interior or exterior measurements, it doesn't seem to have any effect
  • I've tried different EnergyPlus versions, 9.1, 9.4 (Trying to match DB) and 23.1 and they all are the same.
  • I've tried to go through OpenStudio SketchUp Plugin and there it says some stuff have been fixed but then the same happens in DB.

Anybody has any idea?

Thank you very much!