When opening an 1.4.0 osm-file with OpenStudio 1.8.0 in the plant loop schematic the symbol for a setpoint gets lost, although apparently the data associated with the setpoint manager have been read in.
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1 | initial version |
When opening an 1.4.0 osm-file with OpenStudio 1.8.0 in the plant loop schematic the symbol for a setpoint gets lost, although apparently the data associated with the setpoint manager have been read in.
2 | No.2 Revision |
When opening an 1.4.0 osm-file with OpenStudio 1.8.0 in the plant loop schematic the symbol for a setpoint
setpoint manager
gets lost, although apparently the data associated with the setpoint manager have been read in.
3 | No.3 Revision |
When opening an 1.4.0 osm-file with OpenStudio 1.8.0 1.8.0, in the plant loop schematic the symbol for a setpoint manager
gets lost, although apparently the data associated with the setpoint manager have been read in.
4 | retagged |
When opening an 1.4.0 osm-file with OpenStudio 1.8.0, in the plant loop schematic the symbol for a setpoint manager gets lost, although apparently the data associated with the setpoint manager have been read in.
5 | No.5 Revision |
In the following instances I have observed that in the OpenStudio 1.8.0 HVAC schematic the setpoint manager symbol gets lost:
(1) If Control Variable
is set to Maximum Temperature
, the SPM symbol disappears, including the
visual handle for deleting the setpoint manager.
(2) When opening an 1.4.0 osm-file with OpenStudio 1.8.0, in the plant loop schematic the symbol for a setpoint manager
manager gets lost, lost if Control Variable
was set to Maximum Temperature
in the 1.4.0 osm-file, although apparently the data associated with the setpoint manager have been read in.in.
Apparently this is a new bug which did not exist in previous version(s).