I am beginning to learn EnergyPlus by building up an IDF model base on my single-family residence. I had the model functioning satisfactorily with an AirLoopHVAC:ReturnPlenum but now need to add AirflowNetwork components to it. After working out the severe errors to the point of it beginning the first day's warm-up simulation, I hit an apparent roadblock involving the plenum zone node. AirflowNetwork seems to demand that node be represented as a Distribution:Node, and the latter entered into the linkage chain. Once done, I get the single error that says the Component Name in the Distribution:Node definition is not found in the AirLoopHVAC. If it can't be found, it shouldn't need to be included!
After thoroughly checking the IDF for errors, I looked for examples of similar for some guidance, but found none that included the combination of an AirflowNetwork with a zone plenum. The documentation files provided no help on the issue either. Online, I found practically nothing, except one 2013 dissertation that seemed to imply it used both simultaneously. And then a 12/10/22 unanswered request for help on UnmetHours by harjmand, "Airflow network with distribution results!". My issue is not the same as harjmand's but he/she seems to have gone beyond my roadblock somehow. I am looking for some example using both an AirflowNetwork and a zone plenum (preferred), or other insight that might show me a way out of this circular errors situation. Thanks.