I'm extracting the hourly run period consumptions from several simulations and I'm getting inconsistent results between the Energy Plus HTML report and the hourly output.
I'm pulling: Output:Variable, *, !- Key Value Water Heater NaturalGas Energy, !- Variable Name Hourly; !- Reporting Frequency
When i sum the hourly output I'm getting 20% less energy than the HTML report for Water Heating Energy Consumption. What am I doing wrong or is there a simulation error? I checked the output units in Wh to Therms and i'm finding the mismatch. I would have expected these two values to be the same.
Services used: Open Studio Application 3.5.1 Energy Plus 22.2.0 DView: Windows 64
I upload 4 files to github that could help recreate the error, they are all from the same simulation. https://github.com/SDonohueRI/Energy-Plus