I have a openstudio model with 3 zones. We are using a python program to execute energyplus with the BCVTB interface. I got it to work on thermal zone 3 but not for thermal zone 1 and 2. I have the input variables defined in variables.cfg as: <variable source="Ptolemy"> <energyplus schedule="Cooling TZ2 Setpoint Schedule"/> </variable> <variable source="Ptolemy"> <energyplus schedule="Heating TZ2 Setpoint Schedule"/> </variable>
But when I run the execution I seem to get no load on the Air Loop for thermal zone 2. I have a plant loop for district heating and district cooling and then Air Loops thermal zone 2.
Could use some help with this.
The Osm and idf file can be found here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TM6LfmL8KI7w0XFswB9GMTH-KJQE5D-m/view?usp=share_link
Output from energyplus: Program Version,EnergyPlus, Version 22.1.0-ed759b17ee, YMD=2022.12.20 10:42, *** Beginning Zone Sizing Calculations * Warning * SetUpDesignDay: Entered DesignDay Barometric Pressure=31000 differs by more than 10% from Standard Barometric Pressure=100201. * ~~~ * ...occurs in DesignDay=SIZING PERIOD DESIGN DAY 1, Standard Pressure (based on elevation) will be used. * Warning * ProcessScheduleInput: Schedule:Compact="ZONE CONTROL TYPE SCHED TZ2", Schedule Type Limits Name="ANY NUMBER" not found -- will not be validated * Warning * ProcessScheduleInput: Schedule:Constant="ALWAYS OFF DISCRETE", Blank Schedule Type Limits Name input -- will not be validated. * Warning * ProcessScheduleInput: Schedule:Constant="ALWAYS ON CONTINUOUS", Blank Schedule Type Limits Name input -- will not be validated. * Warning * ProcessScheduleInput: Schedule:Constant="ALWAYS OFF DISCRETE 1", Blank Schedule Type Limits Name input -- will not be validated. * Warning * ProcessScheduleInput: Schedule:Constant="ALWAYS ON CONTINUOUS 1", Blank Schedule Type Limits Name input -- will not be validated. * Warning * GetHTSurfaceData: Surfaces with interface to Ground found but no "Ground Temperatures" were input. * ~~~ * Found first in surface=SURFACE 7 * ~~~ * Defaults, constant throughout the year of (18.0) will be used. * Warning * CheckUsedConstructions: There are 6 nominally unused constructions in input. * ~~~ * For explicit details on each unused construction, use Output:Diagnostics,DisplayExtraWarnings; * Warning * Calculated design cooling load for zone=THERMAL ZONE 2 is zero. * ~~~ * Check Sizing:Zone and ZoneControl:Thermostat inputs. * Warning * Calculated design heating load for zone=THERMAL ZONE 2 is zero. * ~~~ * Check Sizing:Zone and ZoneControl:Thermostat inputs. *** Beginning System Sizing Calculations * Warning * ManageSizing: Calculated Cooling Design Air Flow Rate for System=AIR LOOP CLG TZ2 is zero. * ~~~ * Check Sizing:Zone and ZoneControl:Thermostat inputs. * Warning * ManageSizing: Calculated Heating Design Air Flow Rate for System=AIR LOOP CLG TZ2 is zero. * ~~~ * Check Sizing:Zone and ZoneControl:Thermostat inputs. * Warning * ManageSizing: Calculated Cooling Design Air Flow Rate for System=AIR LOOP HTG TZ2 is zero. * ~~~ * Check Sizing:Zone and ZoneControl:Thermostat inputs. * Warning * ManageSizing: Calculated Heating Design Air Flow Rate for System=AIR LOOP HTG TZ2 is zero. * ~~~ * Check Sizing:Zone and ZoneControl:Thermostat inputs. *** Beginning Plant Sizing Calculations * Severe * SizeAirLoopBranches: AirLoopHVAC AIR LOOP CLG TZ2 has air flow less than 1.0000E-003 m3/s. * ~~~ * Primary air system volumetric flow rate = 0.0000 m3/s. * ~~~ * Check flow rate inputs for components in this air loop and, * ~~~ * if autosized, check Sizing:Zone and Sizing:System objects and related inputs. * Fatal * Previous condition causes termination. ...Summary of Errors that led to program termination: ..... Reference severe error count=1 ..... Last severe error=SizeAirLoopBranches: AirLoopHVAC AIR LOOP CLG TZ2 has air flow less than 1.0000E-003 m3/s. *** Warning: Node connection errors not checked - most system input has not been read (see previous warning). *** Fatal error -- final processing. Program exited before simulations began. See previous error messages.
*** ===== Final Error Summary ===== *** The following error categories occurred. Consider correcting or noting. *** Nominally Unused Constructions *** ..The nominally unused constructions warning is provided to alert you to potential conditions that can cause *** ..extra time during simulation. Each construction is calculated by the algorithm indicated in the HeatBalanceAlgorithm *** ..object. You may remove the constructions indicated (when you use the DisplayExtraWarnings option).
*** EnergyPlus Warmup Error Summary. During Warmup: 0 Warning; 0 Severe Errors. *** EnergyPlus Sizing Error Summary. During Sizing: 14 Warning; 0 Severe Errors. *** EnergyPlus Terminated--Fatal Error Detected. 14 Warning; 1 Severe Errors; Elapsed Time=00hr 00min 0.14sec