I am getting in my simulation to a GSHP with vertical GHE the following warnings. GetSpecificHeatGlycol: Temperature is out of range (too low) for fluid [WATER-GLYCOL MIX] specific heat supplied values * * ~~~ * ..Called From:PlantLoopSolver::UpdateAnyLoopDemandAlterations,Temperature=[-5.13E-002], supplied data range=[0.00,125.00] * ~~~ * Environment=DESIGN DAY, at Simulation time=01/01 18:20 - 18:30 * Warning * GetDensityGlycol: Temperature is out of range (too low) for fluid [WATER-GLYCOL MIX] density * * ~~~ * ..Called From:NodeReportingCalc:NODE 33,Temperature=[-0.18], supplied data range=[0.00,100.00] * ~~~ * Environment=DESIGN DAY, at Simulation time=01/01 18:20 - 18:30 * Warning * GetConductivityGlycol: Temperature is out of range (too low) for fluid [WATER-GLYCOL MIX] conductivity * * ~~~ * ..Called From:calcPipeConvectionResistance,Temperature=[-0.39], supplied data range=[0.00,100.00] * ~~~ * Environment=DESIGN DAY, at Simulation time=01/01 18:30 - 18:40 * Warning * GetViscosityGlycol: Temperature is out of range (too low) for fluid [WATER-GLYCOL MIX] viscosity * * ~~~ * ..Called From:calcPipeConvectionResistance,Temperature=[-0.39], supplied data range=[0.00,100.00] * ~~~ * Environment=DESIGN DAY, at Simulation time=01/01 18:30 - 18:40
I would be greatly thankful to any help or idea on how to solve this warning. Many thanks,