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Surface temperature out of bounds

CalcHeatBalanceInsideSurf: The temperature of 38093.57 C for zone="THERMAL ZONE: L1_WHITE SPACE_INT_N_ACC 3/3", for surface="SURFACE 2071" * ~~~ * very far out of bounds during warmup. This may be an indication of a malformed zone.

I am getting this above mentioned error for a data center project. I did recheck all the input loads, The loads are high because it is a data center. When I try to run the model with the input load turned off for the particular zone in the error, The error keeps jumping from one zone to another. Also sometimes the error shows large negative values for some zones. Any help would be appreciated.

Surface temperature out of bounds

CalcHeatBalanceInsideSurf: The temperature of 38093.57 C for zone="THERMAL ZONE: L1_WHITE SPACE_INT_N_ACC 3/3", for surface="SURFACE 2071" * ~~~ * very far out of bounds during warmup. This may be an indication of a malformed zone.

I am getting this above mentioned error for a data center project. I did recheck all the input loads, The loads are high because it is a data center. When I try to run the model with the input load turned off for the particular zone in the error, The error keeps jumping from one zone to another. Also sometimes the error shows large negative values for some zones. Any help would be appreciated.

Surface temperature out of bounds

CalcHeatBalanceInsideSurf: The temperature of 38093.57 C for zone="THERMAL ZONE: L1_WHITE SPACE_INT_N_ACC 3/3", for surface="SURFACE 2071" * ~~~ * very far out of bounds during warmup. This may be an indication of a malformed zone.

I am getting this above mentioned error for a data center project. I did recheck all the input loads, The loads are high because it is a data center. When I try to run the model with the input load turned off for the particular zone in the error, The error keeps jumping from one zone to another. Also sometimes the error shows large negative values for some zones. Any help would be appreciated.

Surface temperature out of bounds

Here is the error message:

CalcHeatBalanceInsideSurf: The temperature of 38093.57 C for zone="THERMAL ZONE: L1_WHITE SPACE_INT_N_ACC 3/3", for surface="SURFACE 2071"
 * **   ~~~   * ** very far out of bounds during warmup. This may be an indication of a malformed zone.


I am getting this above mentioned error for a data center project. I did recheck all the input loads, The loads are high because it is a data center. When I try to run the model with the input load turned off for the particular zone in the error, The error keeps jumping from one zone to another. Also sometimes the error shows large negative values for some zones. Any help would be appreciated.