I'm trying to model the energy consumption of poultry farms in EnergyPlus.
I need to model the ventilation of a poultry farm-type building that is 12 meters wide, 100 meters long, and 4 meters high (height to ridge).
There are two ways to ventilate the farm: one is through fans (extractors) at one end and air intakes at the other; and the other is through fans that hang from the ridge of the nave.
The queries are:
1) To size the fans, you can use the
2) Can large fans be modeled using the Fan:VariableVolume?
3) How do you program a series of fans in the same zone in the case of hanging fans?
4) Some of these buildings are open. How do you model a hole or an open area, without walls, in EnergyPlus?
Thank you in advance. Regards.