Schedule:Compact, Point_Of_Sale Cooling Setpoint Schedule, !- Name Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name Through: 12/31, !- Field 1 For: SummerDesignDay WinterDesignDay, !- Field 2 Until: 24:00, 23.88888888888889, !- Field 3 For: Weekdays, !- Field 5 Until: 06:00, 29.444444444444443, !- Field 6 Until: 10:00, 22, !- Field 8 Until: 16:00, 26.11111, !- Field 10 Until: 20:00, 29.4444444, !- Field 12 Until: 24:00, 29.444444444444443, !- Field 14 For: Saturdays, !- Field 16 Until: 06:00, 29.444444444444443, !- Field 17 Until: 22:00, 23.88888888888889, !- Field 19 Until: 24:00, 29.444444444444443, !- Field 21 For: AllOtherDays, !- Field 23 Until: 08:00, 29.444444444444443, !- Field 25 Until: 19:00, 23.88888888888889, !- Field 27 Until: 24:00, 29.444444444444443; !- Field 29
I used the above code to apply pre-cooling strategy to the model. The results showed about 60% reduction on the heating consumption and 68% increase in cooling. Can you explain the logic behind the reduction in heating?
Thank you