Hi all,
Is it possible to model two underground zones -1 and -2 levels with Kiva?
I got the severe error which says I should add reference the kiva foundation to the internal floor which is also a ceiling for the zone -2 so I don't want to give it a foundation boundary condition.
* Severe * Surface="PIWNICA:ZONE2_WALL_2_0_0" has a 'Foundation' Outside Boundary Condition * ~~~ * referencing Foundation:Kiva="DEFAULT KIVA FOUNDATION_PIWNICA1:ZONE2_GROUNDFLOOR_0_0_0". * ~~~ * You must also reference Foundation:Kiva="DEFAULT KIVA FOUNDATION_PIWNICA1:ZONE2_GROUNDFLOOR_0_0_0" * ~~~ * in a floor surface within the same Zone="PIWNICA:ZONE2".