OK, so I am a bit confused about "create baseline" measures. There is one I can find under Whole Building/Space Types and it is called "Create Baseline Building" I know how to invoke this (Apply Measure Now), but unfortunately it goes no further than ASHRAE 90.1-2013. Then there seems to be a "Create Performance Rating Method Baseline Building" method in the openstudio-standard GEM, which might (or not?) go to ASHRAE 90.1-2016, but which I do not know how to invoke (do I have to call this from within a custom measure?). Has anyone successfully used any (which?) measure along these lines to create an ASHRAE-90-1-2016 Appendix G Performance Rating Baseline?
I know there is also a "Space Type and Construction Set Wizard" measure, and it does go to ASHRAE 90.1-2016, but as the name says, it end at Space Types and Constructions, i.e. does not include Lighting or HVAC.
Any enlightenment would be much appreciated!