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Humidistat how to output Zone Setpoint for Humidification/Dehumidification ?

ZoneControl:Humidistat, Zone 2
Humidistat, !- Humidistat Name
EAST ZONE, !- Zone Name
Min Rel Hum Set Sch,
!- Humidifying Relative Humidity
Setpoint SCHEDULE Name Max Rel Hum
Set Sch; !- Dehumidifying
Relative Humidity Setpoint SCHEDULE

I can set up Humidistat as above, I am trying to find an equivalent for Humidistat. I can output Setpoint for Thermostat see below:

Zone Thermostat Heating Setpoint Temperature
Zone Thermostat Cooling Setpoint Temperature

is there an option for Setpoint for Humidistat, I would expect

Zone Humidistat Humidification Setpoint Humidity
Zone Humidistat Dehumidification Setpoint Humidity

Humidistat how to output Zone Setpoint for Humidification/Dehumidification ?

ZoneControl:Humidistat, Zone 2
Humidistat, !- Humidistat Name
EAST ZONE, !- Zone Name
Min Rel Hum Set Sch,
!- Humidifying Relative Humidity
Setpoint SCHEDULE Name Max Rel Hum
Set Sch; !- Dehumidifying
Relative Humidity Setpoint SCHEDULE

I can set up Humidistat as above, I am trying to find an equivalent for Humidistat. I can output Setpoint for Thermostat see below:

Zone Thermostat Heating Setpoint Temperature
Zone Thermostat Cooling Setpoint Temperature

is there an option for Setpoint for Humidistat, I would expect

Zone Humidistat Humidification Setpoint Humidity
Zone Humidistat Dehumidification Setpoint Humidity