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How to run simulation for run Weather File Run Period ONLY

I have an OpenStudio file with weather file .epw and just want to run the simulation without any sizing based on design days. I removed the design days selected

image description

but got error
image description

see attached OSM file ...ok can not be attached :(

I can see that my eplusout.err is empty Q1. Is it possible to run simulation without design days? Q2. why can not see an error?

How to run simulation for run Weather File Run Period ONLY

I have an OpenStudio file with weather file .epw and just want to run the simulation without any sizing based on design days. I removed the design days selected

image description

but got error
image description

see attached OSM file ...ok can not be attached :(

I can see that my eplusout.err is empty empty
Q1. Is it possible to run simulation without design days? days?
Q2. why can not see an error?

How to run simulation for run Weather File Run Period ONLY

I have an OpenStudio file with weather file .epw and just want to run the simulation without any sizing based on design days. I removed the design days selected

image description

but got error
image description

see attached OSM file ...ok can not be attached :(

I can see that my eplusout.err is empty
Q1. Is it possible to run simulation without design days?
Q2. why can not see an error?