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EnergyPlus : HVACTemplate:thermostat how to set the deadband

Hi to all, I am making automatic building models in EnergyPlus, thus, the use of HVACTemplate are very convenient. These are all further expand automatically into more native object of EnergyPlus before the simulation. For example, the HVACTemplate:Thermostat is further expand into several objects that allows for deadband values to be specified (the ZoneControlThermostat object) when the .expidf is build before simulation. But what is strange is that this deadband does not seem to be an input of the HVACTemplate:Thermostat. Please, is there a way to set the deadband value when using the HVACTemplate:Thermostat object ? or shall the modeler create the native object instead, even though the deadband would be the same for all the zones (as the HVACTemplate:Thermostat would be) ? Thanks in advance,

EnergyPlus : HVACTemplate:thermostat how to set the deadband

Hi to all, I am making automatic building models in EnergyPlus, thus, the use of HVACTemplate are very convenient. These are all further expand automatically into more native object of EnergyPlus before the simulation. For example, the HVACTemplate:Thermostat is further expand into several objects that allows for deadband values to be specified (the ZoneControlThermostat object) when the .expidf is build before simulation. But what is strange is that this deadband does not seem to be an input of the HVACTemplate:Thermostat. Please, is there a way to set the deadband value when using the HVACTemplate:Thermostat object ? or shall the modeler create the native object instead, even though the deadband would be the same for all the zones (as the HVACTemplate:Thermostat would be) ? Thanks in advance,

EnergyPlus : HVACTemplate:thermostat how to set the deadband

Hi to all, I am making automatic building models in EnergyPlus, thus, the use of HVACTemplate are very convenient. These are all further expand automatically into more native object of EnergyPlus before the simulation. For example, the HVACTemplate:Thermostat is further expand into several objects that allows for deadband values to be specified (the ZoneControlThermostat object) when the .expidf is build before simulation. But what is strange is that this deadband does not seem to be an input of the HVACTemplate:Thermostat. Please, is there a way to set the deadband value when using the HVACTemplate:Thermostat object ? or shall the modeler create the native object instead, even though the deadband would be the same for all the zones (as the HVACTemplate:Thermostat would be) ? Thanks in advance,