I am having difficulties artificially adding thermal mass into my building model without adding geometry into the building.
I have developed an apartment building very similar to the Highrise Building in the Create DOE Prototype Building measure. Currently, residential apartments in the model do not have any internal partitions, the reason being that including schedules for bedrooms, bathrooms, and common spaces can be very tricky. In reality, these partitions would be there, and in fact, they would store some thermal energy, which would cause slightly lagged temperature responses in the apartments. This is also true for furniture in the apartment.
This post (https://unmethours.com/question/17481/adding-extra-thermal-mass/) asks a similar question. However, the link provided in the answer (https://bigladdersoftware.com/epx/docs/8-0/input-output-reference/page-011.html#internalmass) does not explain how to add the thermal mass of internal partitions and furniture into each apartment. Instead, the link describes a grouping method that constrains heat transfer to a selected group of spaces.
I am also unsure as to how I would even calculate the thermal mass offered by a partition or a piece of furniture.
Is there a way to simply factor in the thermal mass furnishing and partitions? Alternatively, is there a tutorial explaining how I can calculate the thermal mass of different pieces of furniture and partitions and add them one by one into a space?
Many thanks!