I have a BEOpt model of a single family home in North Carolina, about 3,200 square feet. BEOpt autosizes the cooling system to be a 2.5 ton system, which comes with over 500 hours of cooling loads not met. A home of this size in NC might have two units, but probably has 5-tons or more, maybe as much as 8 total tons.
I tried manually oversizing the AC system to 6, then 8, tons, with absolutely no change to number of cooling hours with loads not met, only a reduction in cooling energy consumption.
Duct sizing is autosized by BEOpt. The cooling setpoint is 72F and the heating setpoint is 65-68F, but that shouldn't matter anyway because of BEOpts monthly average HVAC system auto-choosing.
What other home parameters might drive the hours of cooling loads not met? How can I address these?