I have an HeatPumpPlantLoopEIRHeating that I'm trying to use as a air to water source heat pump to replace a natural gas boiler in a plantloop. The problem is the plantloop flow is almost always zero water flow with thousands or unmet heating hours. It just isn't turning on.
To test, I took the same file, replaced my realistic air to water source heat pump curves with constant 1 curves, which did not work either. I'm using look tables to model a particular piece of equipment, so thought that might cause a problem.
Then I changed the HeatPumpPlantLoopEIRHeating into a Boiler:HotWater, which did work. That leads me to believe I have the plantloop pump setup wrong or something.
Here are the zipped files in a google drive link if anyone is kind enough to help out.
If I can't get the HeatPumpPlantLoopEIRHeating object working, I'll try using EMS to control a District Heating object instead. A bit of a kluge, but it should work.