I am modifying measure code to increase the capacities and airflow rates through the DX single speed cooling and heating coils of a single stage ASHP.
In the line below, I set the airflow rate through the coil(s) to the new, increased rate;
I would like to print the units of value_after_flow to my log file in the runner.registerInfo() statement, but I don't know what they are.
Back of the envelope calculations tell me the units are probably m^3/s. Is this the case?
The method for the coil classes I am using is documented here: https://openstudio-sdk-documentation.s3.amazonaws.com/cpp/OpenStudio-2.2.1-doc/model/html/classopenstudio_1_1model_1_1_coil_cooling_d_x_single_speed.html
and here: https://openstudio-sdk-documentation.s3.amazonaws.com/cpp/OpenStudio-2.2.1-doc/model/html/classopenstudio_1_1model_1_1_coil_heating_d_x_single_speed.htm
but the airflow units are not displayed.