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Euclid Building Model Prototype

I modeled my building using Sketchup with the Euclid extension. I was not able to locate where to apply the DOE prototype model to my 3D model.

For example, I am trying to add the "Mid-rise apartment" prototype, so that when I convert it to an idf, the construction materials, plug loads, and water loads would already by populated. I would then go in and change the data that I want to when I import that idf in openstudio.

Let me know if I can post any snips or documentation that would help.

Euclid Building Model Prototype

I modeled my building using Sketchup with the Euclid extension. I was not able to locate where to apply the DOE prototype model to my 3D model.

For example, I am trying to add the "Mid-rise apartment" prototype, so that when I convert it to an idf, the construction materials, plug loads, and water loads would already by populated. I would then go in and change the data that I want to when I import that idf in openstudio.

Let me know if I can post any snips or documentation that would help.

Euclid Building Model Prototype

I modeled my building using Sketchup with the Euclid extension. I was not able to locate where to apply the DOE prototype model to my 3D model.

For example, I am trying to add the "Mid-rise apartment" prototype, so that when I convert it to an idf, the construction materials, plug loads, and water loads would already by populated. I would then go in and change the data that I want to when I import that idf in openstudio.

Let me know if I can post any snips or documentation that would help.