Hi there,
I used "Create Variable Speed RTU" in the form of Apply Measure and I got the message as shown in the screenshot (link below). I have tried to do this with constant fan system in all the zones as well as with no equipment assigned, in either case I got the same message. To be specific, I had initially applied "Add a PSZ-HP to each zone" and this had a DX heat pump system with constant volume fan and no reheat. When I tried to replace this system with "Create Variable Speed RTU" in all zones, I got the same message.
Here is the link to the screenshot: https://estesmcclure01-my.sharepoint.com/:i:/g/personal/bbhandari_estesmcclure_com/EQRZodIILQlDsLHqtH7noqEBw-M8e924_iPXbz1DQIibhw?e=vnMRtQ
I would appreciate any help on this.
Thank you, Biraj