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Floorspace.js to OS creating Model with Vertex Errors

I'm running into a problem with a FloorspaceJS file having Vertex mismatches between the ceiling of a 1st story and the floor of a 2nd story. I've tried redrawing this a few times to make sure it's not just a misclick on my part, however I keep getting vertex errors. I've also tried importing this into fresh OS models without luck. I found some posts here regarding vertex errors with the SketchUp tool, however I wasn't able to find any strategies that address this problem with FloorspaceJS.

I made this file in my web browser at and then imported it into my OS model. I'm running OpenStudio Application Release 1.0.0.

Below is the excerpt with relevant errors from the eplusout.err file when I try running the OS model.

Program Version,EnergyPlus, Version 9.3.0-baff08990c, YMD=2021.01.08 11:57,

* ~~~ * Defaults, constant throughout the year of (18.0) will be used.

* Severe * RoofCeiling:Detailed="SURFACE 19", Vertex size mismatch between base surface :SURFACE 19 and outside boundary surface: FACE 41

* ~~~ * The vertex sizes are 6 for base surface and 7 for outside boundary surface. Please check inputs.

* Severe * RoofCeiling:Detailed="SURFACE 20", Vertex size mismatch between base surface :SURFACE 20 and outside boundary surface: FACE 256

* ~~~ * The vertex sizes are 8 for base surface and 10 for outside boundary surface. Please check inputs.

* Severe * RoofCeiling:Detailed="FACE 41", Vertex size mismatch between base surface :FACE 41 and outside boundary surface: SURFACE 19

* ~~~ * The vertex sizes are 7 for base surface and 6 for outside boundary surface. Please check inputs.

* Severe * RoofCeiling:Detailed="FACE 256", Vertex size mismatch between base surface :FACE 256 and outside boundary surface: SURFACE 20

* ~~~ * The vertex sizes are 10 for base surface and 8 for outside boundary surface. Please check inputs.

* Fatal * GetSurfaceData: Errors discovered, program terminates.

Has anyone else encountered this or know how to fix this?

Here's a link to the floorspace file itself.