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Doing the simulation without using thermostat

Hello, I want to use a radiant ceiling heating system and I need to find the air temperature and inside surface temperatures. Is it possible to set the ceiling temperature and find the air and inside surface temperatures? I don't need to use thermostat and I shouldn't use it. In this simulation the input is ceiling temperature and the output should be inside surface temperatures, air temperature and energy consumption of the room. Is it possible to do it in Energy plus?

Best Sina Roozbahani

Doing the simulation without using thermostat

Hello, I want to use a radiant ceiling heating system and I need to find the air temperature and inside surface temperatures. Is it possible to set the ceiling temperature and find the air and inside surface temperatures? I don't need to use thermostat and I shouldn't use it. In this simulation the input is ceiling temperature and the output should be inside surface temperatures, air temperature and energy consumption of the room. Is it possible to do it in Energy plus?

Best Sina Roozbahani

Doing the simulation without using thermostat

Hello, I want to use a radiant ceiling heating system and I need to find the air temperature and inside surface temperatures. Is it possible to set the ceiling temperature and find the air and inside surface temperatures? I don't need to use thermostat and I shouldn't use it. In this simulation the input is ceiling temperature and the output should be inside surface temperatures, air temperature and energy consumption of the room. Is it possible to do it in Energy plus?

Best Sina Roozbahani