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OpenStudio standards fetch latest git commit

I am running OpenStudio-standards on the OS-server and I am always pulling the latest version of OpenStudio-standards from master branch through an initialization script.

I am able to use the following code to document which version of OpenStudio standards is being used.


However this doesnt tell the entire story as the version of OpenStudio-standards as there maybe commits ontop of the latest release. (At the time of writing there are)

I am wondering if there a way I can get the actual commit of the version of openstudio-standards that I am using?

OpenStudio standards fetch latest git commit

I am running OpenStudio-standards on the OS-server and I am always pulling the latest version of OpenStudio-standards from master branch through an initialization script.

I am able to use the following code to document which version of OpenStudio standards is being used.


However this doesnt tell the entire story as the version of OpenStudio-standards as there maybe may have commits ontop of the latest release. (At the time of writing there are)

I am wondering if there a way I can get the actual commit of the version of openstudio-standards that I am using?