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how can i control Air change rate when using AFN

Air change rate values are very high that the output variable named "AFN Zone Infiltration Air Change Rate" gives that tells the the air changes happening in a zone because of natural ventilation from outside. is there any way to control these air change rates like the maximum upto which the air change can happen when using air flow network? Air change rates for whole year and for whole May month

how can i control Air change rate when using AFN

Air change rate values are very high that got using the output variable named "AFN Zone Infiltration Air Change Rate" gives that tells the the air changes happening in a zone because of natural ventilation from outside. is Is there any way to control these air change rates like the maximum upto which the air change can happen when using air flow network? network? Can anyone please explain why this is happening? Air change rates for whole year and for whole May month

how can i control Air change rate when using AFN

Air change rate values are very high got using the output variable named "AFN Zone Infiltration Air Change Rate" that tells the air changes happening in a zone because of natural ventilation from outside. Is there any way to control these air change rates like the maximum upto which the air change can happen when using air flow network? Can anyone please explain why this is happening? Air change rates for whole year and for whole May month

how can i control Air change rate when using AFN

Air change rate values are very high got using the output variable named "AFN Zone Infiltration Air Change Rate" that tells the air changes happening in a zone because of natural ventilation from outside. Is there any way to control these air change rates like the maximum upto which the air change can happen when using air flow network? Can anyone please explain why this is happening? Air change rates for whole year and for whole May month

how can i control Air change rate when using AFN

Air change rate values are very high got using the output variable named "AFN Zone Infiltration Air Change Rate" that tells the air changes happening in a zone because of natural ventilation from outside. Is there any way to control these air change rates like the maximum upto which the air change can happen when using air flow network? Can anyone please explain why this is happening? Air change rates for whole year and for whole May month