I have an err file saying the following.
* Warning * The Standard Ratings is calculated for Coil:Cooling:DX:SingleSpeed = SPLIT MNW COOLING COIL but not at the AHRI test condition due to curve out of bound. * ~~~ * Review the Standard Ratings calculations in the Engineering Reference for this coil type. Also, use Output:Diagnostics, DisplayExtraWarnings for further guidance. * ~~~ * CheckCurveLimitsForStandardRatings: The max and/or min limits specified in the corresponding curve objects * ~~~ * do not include the AHRI test conditions required to calculate one or more of the Standard Rating values. * ~~~ * Coil:Cooling:DX:SingleSpeed=SPLIT MNW COOLING COIL: Integrated Energy Efficiency Ratio (IEER) calculated is not at the AHRI test condition. * ~~~ * Check limits in Total Cooling Capacity Function of Temperature Curve, Curve Type = Curve:Biquadratic, Curve Name = SPLIT DX COIL CAP-FT * ~~~ * Check limits in EIR Function of Temperature Curve, Curve Type = Curve:Biquadratic, Curve Name = SPLIT DX COIL EIR-FT * Severe * Coil:Cooling:DX:SingleSpeed "SPLIT MNW COOLING COIL" -- negative coil bypass factor calculated. * ~~~ * During Warmup, Environment=NEW.YORK-JOHN.F.KENNEDY.INTL.AP_NY_USA ANN HTG 99.6% CONDNS DB, at Simulation time=01/21 00:00 - 00:10 * Fatal * Coil:Cooling:DX:SingleSpeed "SPLIT MNW COOLING COIL" Errors found in calculating coil bypass factors
I think this is related to weather data (as when I feed another NewYork weather data, although I get warnings, the simulation never fail) and the minimum/maximum X and Y values (according to this answer (https://unmethours.com/question/33068/chiller-curve-and-ahri-test-condition/)).
Any clue for this issue would be highly appreciated. Thanks.