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best way to model parking garage

May I know what is the best way to model underground parking garage which has opening to outdoor?
1. Is it possible to exclude garage from energy model? If so, how to set the boundary condition of above garage zone's floor? Set it as outdoor with no sun and wind exposure?
2. If it needs to be included in energy model, how to properly model the opening? Or make it as enclosed zone and set large ACH?
Many thanks for your suggestion!

best way to model parking garage

May I know what is the best way to model underground parking garage which has opening to outdoor?
1. Is it possible to exclude garage from energy model? If so, how to set the boundary condition of above garage zone's floor? Set it as outdoor with no sun and wind exposure?
2. If it needs to be included in energy model, how to properly model the opening? Or make it as enclosed zone and set large ACH?
Many thanks for your suggestion!