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no arguements found when trying to compute arguements though OpenStudio CLI

When executing the --compute_arguments option using the OpenStudio CLI per these instructions I get back an empty array for the arguements of a measure. For example, the ChangeBuildingLocation measure from BCL returns arguemets as expeceted but the CreateBarFromBuildingTypeRatios measure from BCL returns an empty array for the arguements. Both measures both have arguments so I can't find what the problem is.

no arguements found when trying to compute arguements though OpenStudio CLI

When executing the --compute_arguments option using the OpenStudio CLI per these instructions I get back an empty array for the arguements of a measure. For example, the ChangeBuildingLocation measure from BCL returns arguemets as expeceted but the CreateBarFromBuildingTypeRatios measure from BCL returns an empty array for the arguements. Both measures both have arguments so I can't find what the problem is.