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Increasing earth tube radius increases the supply temperature ?

Hi DB Team,

We are modelling earth tube for a project and we would like to know is it possible to visualize the velocity of the air passing through the tube.

With volume flow rate and the radius of the pipe it is possible to guess the velocity But, we need to know the how the velo city is simulated to debug few errors.

Because I believe increasing the size of the tube reduces the velocity of the air for a constant supply which in turn supplies much colder/heated air then smaller radius with increased velocity.

Regards, Prethvi, Building Performance Analyst, TRAJECT 361.

C:\fakepath\Pipe radius vs Inlet Temperature.JPG

Increasing earth tube radius increases the supply temperature ?

Hi DB Team,Hello,

We are modelling earth tube for a project and we would like to know is it possible to visualize the velocity of the air passing through the tube.

With volume flow rate and the radius of the pipe it is possible to guess the velocity But, we need to know the how the velo city is simulated to debug few errors.

Because I believe increasing the size of the tube reduces the velocity of the air for a constant supply which in turn supplies much colder/heated air then smaller radius with increased velocity.

Regards, Prethvi, Building Performance Analyst, TRAJECT 361.

C:\fakepath\Pipe radius vs Inlet Temperature.JPG

Increasing earth tube radius increases the supply temperature ?


We are modelling earth tube for a project and we would like to know is it possible to visualize the velocity of the air passing through the tube.

With volume flow rate and the radius of the pipe it is possible to guess the velocity But, we need to know the how the velo city is simulated to debug few errors.

Because I believe increasing the size of the tube reduces the velocity of the air for a constant supply which in turn supplies much colder/heated air then smaller radius with increased velocity.

Regards, Prethvi, Building Performance Analyst, TRAJECT 361.

C:\fakepath\Pipe radius vs Inlet Temperature.JPG