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Visualizing Airflow between zones in EnergyPlus

Hi all,

Is there any tool out there that let the user visualize the airflow between the zones using the results of EnergyPlus run? We are doing some studies for naturally ventilated buildings and are looking for a way to visualize the airflow between the zones for different alternatives.

Thanks, Mostapha

Visualizing Airflow between zones in EnergyPlus

Hi all,

Is there any tool out there that let the user visualize the airflow between the zones using the results of EnergyPlus run? We are doing some studies for naturally ventilated buildings and are looking for a way to visualize the airflow between the zones for different alternatives.

Thanks, Mostapha

Visualizing Airflow between zones in EnergyPlus

Hi all,

Is there any tool out there that let the user visualize the airflow between the zones using the results of EnergyPlus run? We are doing some studies for naturally ventilated buildings and are looking for a way to visualize the airflow between the zones for different alternatives.

Thanks, Mostapha