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Controlling Water flow rate

Hi, i am currently trying to model a Fan coil unit (FCU) to service an office, originally the model i made in energy+ uses the damper opening positions in the VAV to control the return air temperature. However i would like to use the water valve supplying the chilled water to control the return air temperature by varying the position of the valve opening.I would like to ask if that is possible? So in short instead of controlling the supply air flow rate, i would like to control the water flow rate. Thanks!

My Sizing:System object is currently using the VAV control method.

Controlling Water flow rate

Hi, i am currently trying to model a Fan coil unit (FCU) to service an office, originally the model i made in energy+ uses the damper opening positions in the VAV to control the return air temperature. However i would like to use the water valve supplying the chilled water to control the return air temperature by varying the position of the valve opening.I would like to ask if that is possible? So in short instead of controlling the supply air flow rate, i would like to control the water flow rate. Thanks!

My Sizing:System object is currently using the VAV control method.