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What is the best practice to model an Atrium in EnergyPlus?

Hi all,

I have seen multiple discussions on EnergyPlus email list about modeling atrium (without using CFD) however I still don't have a clear idea what is the best way of modeling an atrium. I am looking for recommendations on:

  1. Preparing geometry: Should we split the atrium horizontally in each floor? or should the segments on the top of the atrium should be shorter to capture the stack effect. Is that even make sense considering the EnergyPlus will transfer the radiation as diffuse radiation between the zones?

  2. Air walls/surfaces: Assuming that there will be some sort of geometry split, what is the best suggestion for the construction of surface between the geometries?

  3. Air flow network: Again assuming that there will be some sort of geometry split, what is the best practice to set up the airflow between the atriun zones?

Thanks, Mostapha

What is the best practice to model an Atrium in EnergyPlus?

Hi all,

I have seen multiple discussions on EnergyPlus email list about modeling atrium (without using CFD) however I still don't have a clear idea what is the best way of modeling an atrium. I am looking for recommendations on:

  1. Preparing geometry: Should we split the atrium horizontally in each floor? or should the segments on the top of the atrium should be shorter to capture the stack effect. Is that even make sense considering the EnergyPlus will transfer the radiation as diffuse radiation between the zones?

  2. Air walls/surfaces: Assuming that there will be some sort of geometry split, what is the best suggestion for the construction of surface between the geometries?

  3. Air flow network: Again assuming that there will be some sort of geometry split, what is the best practice to set up the airflow between the atriun zones?

Thanks, Mostapha

What is the best practice to model an Atrium in EnergyPlus?

I have seen multiple discussions on EnergyPlus email list about modeling atrium (without using CFD) however I still don't have a clear idea what is the best way of modeling an atrium. I am looking for recommendations on:

  1. Preparing geometry: Should we split the atrium horizontally in each floor? or should the segments on the top of the atrium should be shorter to capture the stack effect. Is that even make sense considering the EnergyPlus will transfer the radiation as diffuse radiation between the zones?

  2. Air walls/surfaces: Assuming that there will be some sort of geometry split, what is the best suggestion for the construction of surface between the geometries?

  3. Air flow network: Again assuming that there will be some sort of geometry split, what is the best practice to set up the airflow between the atriun atrium zones?