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Exterior ventilated wall definition

How can I define an exterior ventilated wall?

Currently I'm defining the two objects "SurfacePropertyExteriorNaturalVentedCavity" and "SurfaceProperty:OtherSideConditionsModel" as reported in the attached file and then I'm selecting the correct Outside Boundary Conditions Object in "BuildingSurface:Detailed".

Do I need to define something else? Apparently in output the defined ventilated wall has not the correct importance, not modifying the total energy consumption of the building.

Thanks for the help.

Exterior ventilated wall definition

How can I define an exterior ventilated wall?

Currently I'm defining the two objects "SurfacePropertyExteriorNaturalVentedCavity" and "SurfaceProperty:OtherSideConditionsModel" as reported in the attached file and then I'm selecting the correct Outside Boundary Conditions Object in "BuildingSurface:Detailed".

Do I need to define something else? Apparently in output the defined ventilated wall has not the correct importance, not modifying the total energy consumption of the building.

Thanks for the help.

Exterior ventilated wall definition

How can I define an exterior ventilated wall?

Currently I'm defining the two objects "SurfacePropertyExteriorNaturalVentedCavity" and "SurfaceProperty:OtherSideConditionsModel" as reported in the attached file and then I'm selecting the correct Outside Boundary Conditions Object in "BuildingSurface:Detailed".

Do I need to define something else? Apparently in output the defined ventilated wall has not the correct importance, not modifying the total energy consumption of the building.

Thanks for the help.