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need plenum space type when running WSHP with DOAS measure in OS?


I'm trying to apply a whole-building HVAC measure in Open Studio--the measure that revises the systems to "AEDG Office HVAC WSHP with DOAS." I haven't had any luck with it yet, but it's a pretty drastic measure. Two questions:

1) Does the measure pull down whatever equipment objects it needs from the BCL, or do particular libraries need to be loaded for it to succeed?

2) Do I need explicit plenum spaces (and space types) in my geometry? The description of the measure says something about plenum space types, but I'm not entirely sure what it's trying to communicate.

Many thanks for your thoughts!

need plenum space type when running WSHP with DOAS measure in OS?


I'm trying to apply a whole-building HVAC measure in Open Studio--the measure that revises the systems to "AEDG Office HVAC WSHP with DOAS." I haven't had any luck with it yet, but it's a pretty drastic measure. Two questions:

1) Does the measure pull down whatever equipment objects it needs from the BCL, or do particular libraries need to be loaded for it to succeed?

2) Do I need explicit plenum spaces (and space types) in my geometry? The description of the measure says something about plenum space types, but I'm not entirely sure what it's trying to communicate.

Many thanks for your thoughts!

need plenum space type when running WSHP with DOAS measure in OS?


I'm trying to apply a whole-building HVAC measure in Open Studio--the measure that revises the systems to "AEDG Office HVAC WSHP with DOAS." I haven't had any luck with it yet, but it's a pretty drastic measure. Two questions:

1) Does the measure pull down whatever equipment objects it needs from the BCL, or do particular libraries need to be loaded for it to succeed?

2) Do I need explicit plenum spaces (and space types) in my geometry? The description of the measure says something about plenum space types, but I'm not entirely sure what it's trying to communicate.

Many thanks for your thoughts!