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OpenStudio-Standards: Daylighting control

The measure from the BCL to do add daylighting control automatically is broken. I noticed that the OpenStudio-Standards gem has a working method to add them.

How can I use the space_add_daylighting_controls method from the OpenStudio-Standards Gem by itself? I do not want to create a baseline of my building, just add daylighting controls per the 90.1 geometry rules. A small code snippet to apply it to a model would be helpful.

OpenStudio-Standards: Daylighting control

The measure from the BCL to do add daylighting control automatically is broken. I noticed that the OpenStudio-Standards gem has a working method to add them.

How can I use the space_add_daylighting_controls method from the OpenStudio-Standards Gem by itself? I do not want to create a baseline of my building, just add daylighting controls per the 90.1 geometry rules. A small code snippet to apply it to a model would be helpful.