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ideal air load measure error

Guys, In the "Ideal load option" measure of the open studio, I have chose "use individual zone design out door air" for out door specification...Than I have defined "design specification outdoor air object " for each zone...but when I run the simulation there is this error:

Error: Unable to find design specification outdoor air for zone 2nd floor bedrooms. Please specify a design specification outdoor air object for the zone, or select None for Outdoor Air Specification.

any idea what is the problem?


ideal air load measure error

Guys, In the "Ideal load option" measure of the open studio, I have chose "use individual zone design out door air" for out door specification...Than I have defined "design specification outdoor air object " for each zone...but when I run the simulation there is this error:

Error: Unable to find design specification outdoor air for zone 2nd floor bedrooms. Please specify a design specification outdoor air object for the zone, or select None for Outdoor Air Specification.

any idea what is the problem?
