Hello All, I am trying to generate a buildstock.csv using the manual sampling directions provided in the documentation.
The paragraph in blue background instructs to run the command from command line. I am using the command prompt with 'resources' directory opened. Once in the 'resources' directory I execute the command holding the 'ruby resources/' part. I believe the 'ruby resources' part is just a guideline to execute the command in resources directory.
However after executing the command in CMD, the run_sampling.rb opens in notepad and buildstock is not generated. I was under the impression that buildstock.csv could be seen in the resources directory. I checked other folders in the 'project_resstock_national' folder to find a buildstock generated but could not locate.
Am I missing something here? I am not experienced in ruby and compiling ruby scripts in a standalone manner. The version being used here is PAT 2.6.0.