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Binding Monthly and Hourly calibration

This is a follow up a question to the question in link below and following conversation.

Currently, I am looking to bind hourly and monthly calibration together in a single PAT project. The sample project referenced in the above link had the model being calibrated to multiple objective across a wide spectrum but all were on an hourly basis. I want to ask if a calibration at two different interval levels can be accomplished using the two different instances of time series objective measure. In addition what should be the Timestamps for the .csv file that would be used for the monthly time series objective measure, will that be just an array of month start dates or dates with hour:minutes included? If that is not possible, can a combination of normal monthly calibration process using 'AddJSONmonthlyUtilityData' and the hourly calibration process using 'TimeSeriesObjectiveFunction' work simultaneously ?

Tagging @David Goldwasser here, he suggested the query to be started a a different question.

Binding Monthly and Hourly calibration

This is a follow up a question to the question in link below and following conversation.

Currently, I am looking to bind hourly and monthly calibration together in a single PAT project. The sample project referenced in the above link had the model being calibrated to multiple objective across a wide spectrum but all were on an hourly basis.

I want to ask if a calibration at two different interval levels can be accomplished using the two different instances of time series objective measure. In addition what should be the Timestamps for the .csv file that would be used for the monthly time series objective measure, will that be just an array of month start dates or dates with hour:minutes included? included?

If that is not possible, can a combination of normal monthly calibration process using 'AddJSONmonthlyUtilityData' and the hourly calibration process using 'TimeSeriesObjectiveFunction' work simultaneously ?

Tagging @David Goldwasser here, he suggested the query to be started a a different question. question.

Binding Monthly and Hourly calibration

This is a follow up a question to the question in link below and following conversation.

Currently, I am looking to bind hourly and monthly calibration together in a single PAT project. The sample project referenced in the above link had the model being calibrated to multiple objective across a wide spectrum but all were on an hourly basis.

I want to ask if a calibration at two different interval levels can be accomplished using the two different instances of time series objective measure. In addition what should be the Timestamps for the .csv file that would be used for the monthly time series objective measure, will that be just an array of month start dates or dates with hour:minutes included?

If that is not possible, can a combination of normal monthly calibration process using 'AddJSONmonthlyUtilityData' and the hourly calibration process using 'TimeSeriesObjectiveFunction' work simultaneously ?

Tagging @David Goldwasser here, he suggested the query to be started a a different question.

Binding Monthly and Hourly calibration

This is a follow up a question to the question in link below and following conversation.

Currently, I am looking to bind hourly and monthly calibration together in a single PAT project. The sample project referenced in the above link had the model being calibrated to multiple objective across a wide spectrum but all were on an hourly basis.

I want to ask if a calibration at two different interval levels can be accomplished using the two different instances of time series objective measure. In addition what should be the Timestamps for the .csv file that would be used for the monthly time series objective measure, will that be just an array of month start dates (MM/DD/YYYY) or dates with hour:minutes (MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm) included?

If that is not possible, can a combination of normal monthly calibration process using 'AddJSONmonthlyUtilityData' and the hourly calibration process using 'TimeSeriesObjectiveFunction' work simultaneously ?

Tagging @David Goldwasser here, he suggested the query to be started a a different question.