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Problem Zone HVAC Heating Rate when Tubing Length is doubled

Dear all

I'm modelling TABS in EnergyPlus using 'ZoneHVAC:LowTemperatureRadiant:ConstantFlow'. The problem is when I double the the hydronic tubing length, the output 'Zone HVAC Heating Rate' of a certain zone stays the same. For example, I have a zone of 26,1m² with a hydronic tubing length of 313m. The Zone HVAC Heating Rate peak is 1585 W. When I double the hydronic tubing length to 626m, the Zone HVAC Heating Rate graph stays exactly the same while I expect this to rise.

The number of circuits is 'CalculateFromCircuitLength' and the circuit length is 100m. The rated flow rate is 0,0001148 m³/s and the temperature of the water in the tubes is 27,5°C.

Does anyone know what is going wrong here? Thanks in advance!

Problem Zone HVAC Heating Rate when Tubing Length is doubled

Dear all

I'm modelling TABS in EnergyPlus using 'ZoneHVAC:LowTemperatureRadiant:ConstantFlow'. The problem is when I double the the hydronic tubing length, the output 'Zone HVAC Heating Rate' of a certain zone stays the same. For example, I have a zone of 26,1m² with a hydronic tubing length of 313m. The Zone HVAC Heating Rate peak is 1585 W. When I double the hydronic tubing length to 626m, the Zone HVAC Heating Rate graph stays exactly the same while I expect this to rise.

The number of circuits is 'CalculateFromCircuitLength' and the circuit length is 100m. The rated flow rate is 0,0001148 m³/s and the temperature of the water in the tubes is 27,5°C.

Does anyone know what is going wrong here? Thanks in advance!